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Husky 515 Air-Operated Diaphragm Pumps

 ½ inch Positive Displacement Double Diaphragm Pump

The Husky 515 has a ½ inch (12.7 mm) connection and is available in polypropylene, acetal and PVDF


The Husky 515 air-operated double diaphragm pump features a stall-free low pulsation air valve which provides a smooth and rapid changeover.

The bolt through fluid cover design eliminates leaks and makes the Husky safer with higher reliability. 

Benefits of the Husky 515 double diaphragm pump

  • Center and end porting options.
  • No mechanical seals to cause fluid leaks or failures
  • Runs quietly at less than 85 dBa with easy-to-use remote muffler capability for even lower noise levels
  • Easy-to-service air valve and ball checks
  • Operates on as little as 20 psi (1.4 bar, 0.14 MPa)
  • Split manifold option to pump multiple fluids without mixing


Maximum fluid flow
15 gpm (57 l/min)
Maximum Fluid Discharge Pressure
100 psi (7 bars, 0.7 MPa)
Maximum size pumpable solids
3/32 in (2.5 mm)
Fluid displacement per cycle
0.04 g (0,15 liter)

Husky 515 Performance

Husky 515 and 716 Performance chart - Fluid Outlet Pressure

Looking for a repair kit? Use our pump configuration tools to select the repair kit for your pump:

  • Step 1 – Go to our Pump Selector Tool
  • Step 2 – Fill in your pumps part number in the right corner
  • Step 3 – Get an overview of all repair kits and accessories for your pump


Process Pump Selector
Chemical Compatibility Guide
  • Fully-groundable acetal model
  • Delivery up to 15 gpm (56.7 lpm)
  • Easy-to-service air valve and ball checks
  • Reliable air valve for years of dependable performance